Thursday, October 22, 2009

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Sarah Jane supporting the CIBC Run for the Cure :)

As you may know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. What you might not know is that, According to the Canadian Cancer Society breast cancer is the most common cancer among Canadian women (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer).

In 2009: 22, 700 women and 180 men will be diagnosed with it.

Doctor Kristi Funk, who has appeared on many television shows but most recently The View, has some statistics about how weight gain increases your risk. The following numbers relate to the amount of weight you have gained since high school:

-Lost or gained 4 lbs = no increased risk

-Gained 10 lbs = 10% increase

-Gained 10-20 lbs = 20 % increase

-Gained 20-30 lbs = 60% increase

If you have gained 40 pounds since high school you have increased your chances of getting breast cancer by 50%!

In addition to living a health active lifestyle to help decrease your risk, Dr. Funk suggests green tea. She claims that drinking 3 cups of green tea a day will reduce your chances of breast cancer by drink up folks!


  1. Green tea ... who'd av thunk ... its becoming a healthy lifestyle staple!

  2. -->looking good sarah-jane, love both the t-shirt and the tea fact!

  3. What an honour it is to have a picture and a shout out in the famous "Fact Snacks".

    Think pink! :)



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