Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sounds Good To Me!

"Music can change the world because it can change people." -Bono
Research has shown there are many benefits to listening to music because it has affects on the human brain. It does the following:
- Manage stress levels
- Help with anxiety and depression by providing you with good feelings to make you healthy
- Cool music helps control breathing and heart rate
- Good music can send you to sleep
Personally, I use music to help me sleep as well as control stress during exam times. I also love to use music for entertainment! As we approach the end of 2009, take some time to think about all the great music of the past year. Here is a great clip of some of the top hits from 2009 to help you out. Enjoy!


  1. alsoo...
    it helps your memory. george michael lyrics are forever engraved in my skull. <3.

  2. Elvis, Frank, John and Michael ALL think you are right-on with music's benefits ... no great rock anthems this year; but some great hits!



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