Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Literal Fashion Police

Athens is home to the Ancient Olympic games, the capital of Greece, and about 50% of its population. Close to 5 million people live in Athens resulting in terrible traffic issues within the city. There are actually more cars than there are people! Drastic measures had to be taken to solve this ordeal. It is now the law that vehicles can only be driven on alternative days. Specifically, cars with license plates ending in odd numbers are allowed on the road on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th days and vice versa.


a driver’s license can be taken away if the driver is deemed either “unbathed” or “poorly dressed”
I assume this is another effort to decrease the number of drivers on the road; either that or a fashion wake up call to those who clearly do not dress up for the daily traffic jam.

Sources: www.in2greece.com and http://library.thinkquest.org


  1. Perhaps that is why there are so many cars ... rich folks own 2 cars; one with an even plate # and one with an odd plate #. Its great for the auto industry ... perhaps LA and TO should try this traffic plan!!



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